Your Data- Your rights

What data do we need from you?

In order to connect you to the the service providers listed in the app, we need you to share with us your full name, email address and mobile number and a geographical location where you can be reached by the qualified personnel to provide service you need.

This data stays ONLY with us, under encrypted storage. We do not share this with anyone for any purpose, unless you ask us to.

How is this data used?

When you need a repair service, we share your contact information and information specific to the repair task- equipment model, description of the service required and photograph of the equipment with the service provider, only after receiving your specific consent.

How about financial data?

Glad you asked.

We do not process credit card payments on our app or website. All payment transactions are securely done on our highly secure payment gateway partners’ page and we only capture the result of the transaction as is sent back to us from the payment gatway.

Deletion of data on request

Please send us an email from the same email you registered with in Grahak Setu to with the following information:
Your name
Your mobile number (with country code) that you use to sign into Grahak Setu.
We will then delete all your contact information from our system. We shall also alert all service providers with whom you shared your contact details, to do likewise.